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Facet Joint Pain

Fast & Effective Osteopathic Neck Pain Treatment
Are you experiencing neck pain that’s interfering with your daily activities?

The neck's facet joints are small synovial joints connecting the vertebrae, enabling smooth and comfortable neck movement. However, like any other joint, they can suffer wear and tear or be affected by injuries, leading to facet joint pain. 


  • Pain is often localized to the back of the neck and may radiate to the upper back or shoulders.

  • Neck movement exacerbates the pain, especially with extension or rotation.

  • There may be tenderness over the affected facet joints upon palpation.

  • Typically, there is no significant radiating pain down the arms or hands.


  • Cartilage deterioration or joint inflammation due to injury or arthritis can cause neck pain, stiffness, and reduced flexibility.

  • Activities like repetitive neck movements, poor posture, or aging can contribute to this condition


Preventive measures

Osteopaths can help with cervical facet joint pain through manual therapy to improve joint mobility, soft tissue techniques to relax tight muscles, and exercises to strengthen supporting muscles. They also provide postural advice, pain management strategies, and educate patients about their condition for better self-care.

How we can help:

  • Personalized treatment plans using a whole-body approach.

  • Laser Therapy for symptomatic relief from cervical disc herniation.

  • Strengthening by Therapists and posture advice.

  • Experienced  with evidence-based techniques.

  • Comprehensive plans including lifestyle modifications.

  • Conveniently located clinic at David Weir Leisure Centre

  • Positive patient reviews reflecting improved quality of life

David Weir Leisure Centre,
Middleton Road, Carshalton

Home Visit Available

Home Visits Postcodes 
SM, SW19,20, KT, CR


 Copyright 2023 Back On The Move Osteopathy - All Rights Reserved
Company Number:  14981414

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